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BasTalk - life at work.

BasTalk Directory

Feb. 15, 2021

HR Talks 1

BasTalk Leadership Studio presents HR Talks. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Like having a heart to heart with your HR BP? I am guessing never. Have you wondered why? Why does it trigger butterf...

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Jan. 5, 2021

The Introverts in my team I BasTalk 56

Welcome to Season 2 of BasTalk. And if you've not heard Season 1 ( seriously?) then click here This year, we kick off with introverts, a personal favourite if you know what I mean. :) In this episode, I share the ways to man...

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Dec. 3, 2020

BasTalk 53 - Rockstar Job

So are a superstar? Are you the rock star they are searching? Yes, the one which recruiters search endlessly , the job description mentions eternally and yet find, seldomly? Wait, but how do you become a superstar? How did y...

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Oct. 31, 2020

BasTalk 50 - PIP the post

As they say - capitalism and fairness are strange bedfellows : in the corporate world you're either growing or dying - there is no hanging in between. Those three little (dreaded) words : Performance improvement plan. You tr...

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Oct. 24, 2020

BasTalk 49 - New Joiner Starter Kit

So you've just joined a new job and you're eager to make an impression , but in the process you land up presenting a self which is not you at all. And so in a few months time people around you are surprised to see your newsel...

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Oct. 13, 2020

BasTalk 47 - Classic Interview Mistakes

What are the classic interview mistakes you make? Have you given it a thought ? What could you have done better? Sometimes you makes the basic mistakes which go on to cost you a job - little do you realise that all these sim...

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Sept. 13, 2020

BasTalk 41 - The Hiring Manager POV

In the last episode of The Job of your resume - you heard from the recruiters point of view and what not to do with your resume. 6 common mistakes to avoid in your resume to better your chances. And so with this episode, you...

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Sept. 9, 2020

BasTalk 40 - The Job Of Your Resume

So when you do a 100 applications and nothing to write home about, you wonder what are you doing wrong? What could be better in your resume? Tune in to this episode ( part 1/ of 2) to know what is the job of your resume? In...

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Sept. 5, 2020

BasTalk 39 - Teachers Day or My Way

When was the last time you called your teacher and thanked them for their contribution in your success? Do you need to wait for September 5 to do that? Join me in this episode where I share 3 scenarios from our education syst...

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July 12, 2020

BasTalk 28 - Hiring the Dragon Warrior

Most job descriptions ask for a Rockstar,Superstar, something on the lines of a Dragon Warrior . But the question is , are you a Master Shifu? Can you handle top talent if they do work for you ? Join me in this fascinating to...

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May 29, 2020

BasTalk 21 - Thanos at work

Do you have a Thanos at work ? How do you deal with tough situations at work? How do you manage conflict resolution? Join me in this ride, where we explore The Trinity of Truth, Thano's reality and more importantly, what you ...

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March 19, 2020

BasTalk 9 - Job Interviews & Hiring Quirks in India.

Hiring in India is quirky. There are subtexts,undercurrents and other non-verbal communication which happen behind the polite smile and wobbling head. Here are some insights into the hiring mindset in the country juxtaposed w...

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