In this episode of BasTalk, we embarked on a journey to explore the world of marketing events and conferences, aiming to answer the age-old question: Are they truly worth your time and investment? 💼 We examine the pros and co...
Picture this: The marketing team is the fearless tightrope walker, carefully balancing creativity and strategy, aiming to captivate the audience with their daring stunts. Meanwhile, the sales team is the master juggler, skill...
Did you spot the right trainer? If not, the results could be disastrous. Besides not yielding the proper return on investment, Instead of helping the team, it could confuse them. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor...
What works better - working for a big brand or a small company? The answer might surprise you. People often think of it as a no-brainer. Join a big tech company, and the rest of it takes care of itself until they get jolted o...
Most sales people fear customer objections. They dread hearing "we have no money" , "you are too expensive" , "we're all set" , "call back in 6 months" etc. And then all the energy goes out of the system. Mustering up enthusi...
Are you being crappy trying be scrappy? Are you being Scrappy for the heck of it? Are you hiding beneath the garb of being Scrappy while in reality you are just being crappy? Are you trying to hide poor quality in lieu of mo...
Layoffs are part of corporate jargon - but when organizations announce that they plan to lay off "low" performers in full public view - it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of dignity of labor. Join me in this podcast to di...
Think of your hiring mandate. Wanted a Rock Star, Ninja for our Sales team. Sounds familiar isn't it? Does it mean, if you manage to hire all Rock stars in your team, there will be no mediocrity? Does it guarantee success? D...
If you asked someone in 2019, what they thought about Elon Musk's SpaceX mission, they'd perhaps dismiss it off as a rich man's fancy. There were repeated failures along the way, yet he and his team persisted until it became ...
In continuation of my LinkedIn series, join me in this podcast to learn 8 pet peeves for most leaders when they get a connection request. --- Send in a voice message:
With Lockdown reopening in sight, the new normal is at a risk of slipping back to the old normal. What are you going to do differently? Or are you going to give in to your muscle memory of the old normal? Join me in this po...
Business Leaders & Connection Requests on LinkedIn. Here's a typical example of a LinkedIn connect request : Job Seeker: Hi, can you give me a suitable job? Leader: But I don't know you. JS: But you are a leader, so you can r...
What happens when two leaders have a straight talk on Inside sales? Join us on this interesting ride where we discuss two fundamental questions for folks who are connected, impacted or affected by the inside sales teams in th...
When you get a call from a recruiter, what are the mistakes and assumptions you make? If you are a recruiter, what can you do to improve your close rates? What are the typical mistakes in some of the questions you ask? In th...
What is common between His Holiness The Pope, the Aspirin and AI ? Find out in this short ride! Hop on to the Omnibus. --- Send in a voice message: