Here's a list of things this podcast does not do:

1. provide mind-numbing life-changing information,
2. share quick tips or clips
3. give any management guru strategy.


So what is BasTalk?

​BasTalk means, Simply Talk!

Bastalk is an attempt to bring back simplicity in complex workplace situations.
BasTalk is a simple, slow burn, mostly without any guest solo podcast.


Who should listen?


There is a lot of podcast content about leadership, as it is for freshers. Yet very little for those stuck in the middle. So If you are stuck in the muddle of the middle, i.e. with 5 to 15 or 18 years of work experience, this is for you.

Largely unscripted, spontaneous. often goes on a tangent, Bastalk is mostly relevant for those who work in Tech Sales & Marketing. However since most content is around office culture it may resonate with others too.


Why do BasTalk?


It's my way of paying it forward or giving it back whichever way you may want to look at it. Having grown up the ranks in global leadership roles over the last two decades, it's my way of sharing learnings, inferences, and questions to make you think, 🤔 rethink, and revisit some of your actions, communications, or situations at work. 


How to absorb BasTalk?


It would help if you had time to listen to this. Typically 40+ mins. It would help if you had the patience because the content is carefully curated with a lot of patience to make it as simple as possible. There are long monologues without gaps or breaks and occasional side topics. Most people listen to BasTalk at night, stuck in traffic, and on their morning walks! 

So if you are looking to get quick bites, and micro-snippets, skip this.


What are the most common topics on BasTalk?


Most content is around people management, corporate culture, office truths, and career insights.
That said, BasTalk does not claim or intend to be a know-it-all sort of podcast; on the contrary, it is a work in progress.

So, come join me to BasTalk!